The Suunto Dive Manager is a premium tool for downloading, organizing and uploading dive information from your Suunto dive computer. The program allows easy retrieval and printing of data, creation of dive graphs and addition of notes to the logbook.
The large memory capacity of Suunto dive computers allows you to transfer data such as dive profile, dive time, maximum depth, temperature and air consumption directly to your PC. You can also enter dive locations, buddy names, equipment and other comments just as you would with a conventional paper log.
The simulation function helps you gain greater understanding of decompression theory and computer-assisted multi level diving. It enables you make the most of your Suunto dive computer and is an invaluable aid for instruction.
Data can also be uploaded to Suunto's online diving community at movescount.com, where you can share information and experiences with other divers from around the world.
Although a copy of the Dive Manager software is included with the cable we highly recommend that the latest version is downloaded before installing.
The Suunto dive manager- USB is available in two versions, one for the large wrist units such as the Vyper, Zoop, HelO2, Cobra and Vytec, this version is compatible with the D series watch size computers and Zoop Novo & Vyper Novo computers.
Please note that the new D Series cable is backward compatible with older models of D Computers but older cables purchased with or for the D4, D6 or D9 are not compatible with the newer Novo or i series.
Compatible with:
D4, D6, D9, D4i, D6i, D9tx, DX, D4i Novo, D6i Novo, Zoop Novo (2016-), Vyper Novo (2016-)
Price: RM 309 / each (gst incl.)